The first survey in Italy

Terre des Hommes and the Hospital Network for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment present the first survey of cases of girls and boys victims of Shaken Baby Syndrome

Never shake your baby </br> you may cause him irreparable damage

Don’t shake it is an awareness campaign
On Shaken Baby Syndrome


Melissa Rosa Rizzotto answers.
Community physician – Padua

Martina Bua answers.
Psychologist and psychotherapist – Padua

Lucia Romeo answers.
Pediatrician – Milan

Elena Copporesponds
Pediatrician – Turin

Isabella Berlingerio answers.
Psychologist and psychotherapist – Bari

Stefania Losi answers.
Pediatrician – Florence

Maria Grazia Foschino Barbaro
Psychologist and psychotherapist – Bari answers

Cristina Cattaneo
Medical Examiner – Milan answers.

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