The campaign "Don't shake it!"

The “don’t shake it!” campaign.

DON’T SCREW IT! is the first Italian information and awareness campaign on Shaken Baby Syndrome or Abusive Head Trauma that goes beyond the confines of hospitals to reach Italian parents and anyone who cares, in various capacities, for children, especially those between 0 and 2 years of age.

In its first year, the campaign aims to reach at least 5 million Italians by making available to all useful advice, targeted information, FAQs, and easy-to-use sharing tools the best of the Italian and international scientific literature, while fostering contact with hospital excellence in the area.

The NONSCUOTERLO! commercial, which has received sponsorship from Advertising Progress and the National Child Welfare Authority, is the main means of reaching out to the general public. It was made possible thanks to the creative contribution of Milan-based 5hort Agency and the production company Visionaria Film. We owe special thanks to the extraordinary helpfulness of Alessandro Preziosi who made his professionalism available free of charge.

Video interviews were conducted by Laura Fazzini. The site was created in-house by Terre des Hommes staff.

They are partners in the campaign, along with Terre des Hommes:

  • The Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino – Bambi Outpatient Clinic
  • The IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Foundation – SVSeD – Sexual and Domestic Violence Relief.
  • The Children’s Hospital “Vittore Buzzi”
  • The Hospital of Padua – Regional Center for the Diagnosis of the Abused Child Crisis Unit for Children and Families
  • Meyer University Hospital Company – GAIA – Childhood and Adolescent Abuse Group.
  • The Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Policlinico – Giovanni XXIII di Bari – Psychology Service – GIADA – Interdisciplinary Group Assisting Abused Women and Children

Media partners:


Agency: 5hort Ltd.

Creative director and copy: Francesco Giorgio Gori

Production Company: Visionaria Film

Director: Daniele Cantalupo

Production Director: Roberta Simone

Technical production director: Fabrizio Dublino

Camera and lighting: Francesco Carini (Director of Photography); Rodolfo Rozza (Camera Assistant); Michele Cau (Lighting).

Costume designer: Ylenia Puglia

Set design: Mattia Sassone

Makeup artist: Corrado Antezza

Audio recording: Chili Pepper Studio

Audio Producer: Cinzia Poma

Lead Actor: Alessandro Preziosi

Speaker: Simona Biasetti

Duration: 30″

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