Who we are
Terre des Hommes ItalyTerre des Hommes Italy
Terre des Hommes has been on the front lines since 1960 to protect children around the world from violence, abuse and exploitation and to ensure that every child has schooling, informal education, medical care and food.
With the International Federation Terre des Hommes, we are present in 67 countries with 854 projects for children, work in partnership with ECHO and are accredited with the European Union, the UN, USAID and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In almost 30 years of activity in Italy, we have been among the first to engage in the fight against pedophilia, in denouncing mistreatment and violence against children and in building alliances to equip Italy with legislative tools against sex tourism to the detriment of children.
Today, Terre des Hommes sits at key institutional tables on child protection policies. He is a member of theObservatory for Countering Pedophilia and Child Pornography of the Department for Equal Opportunities – Presidency of the Council of Ministers and theNational Observatory for Childhood and Adolescence of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. Participates in the work of the Council of the Guarantor for Childhood and Adolescence of the Lombardy Region.
Since 2014, in collaboration with LABANOF – Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology and Odontology – of the University of Milan, he has sponsored the advanced course in “Diagnosis of Child Abuse and Neglect” open to students, general practitioners and Pediatricians.
In 2016 he presents in the Senate the dossier
“Child Maltreatment. A public health issue”
, produced in collaboration with a group of hospitals, most of which now constitute the first Hospital Network for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment, promoted and formalized through a framework agreement with Terre des Hommes.
The following year, the national “DON’T SHOOT IT!” Campaign was born to raise awareness of the serious consequences of this still little-known syndrome among the general public. In 2023, in collaboration with the hospital network, Terre des Hommes will carry out the first survey in Italy of children and girls victims of Shaken Baby Syndrome.
For information: www.terredeshommes.it
Hospital Network for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment:

Under the auspices of:

Elena Coppo
Born in Turin, graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Pediatrics, medical director of Pediatrics at Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital since 1999. She has been involved in child abuse since 2006 being a member of the Bambi team since that year and becoming its manager since 2014. She has taught numerous courses on the subject locally and nationally.
Lucia Romeo
Specialist in Pediatrics, adjunct professor at the University of Milan, Forensic Medicine. Present on the board of SISST (Italian society of post-traumatic stress syndrome), collaborates with NGOs around the world for missions on pediatric health projects (Kenya, India, Sri Lanka, Brazil). From 2009 to February 2017 pediatrician at SVSeD (sexual and domestic violence relief) Mangiagalli/Policlinico Clinic in Milan. February to present Pediatrician for Maltreatment Project at Vittore Buzzi Children’s Hospital.
Lecturer of numerous courses on the subject nationally and internationally.
Maria Grazia Foschino Barbaro
A psychologist and psychotherapist, she directs the Departmental Simple Operational Unit of PSYCHOLOGY and GIADA (Interdisciplinary Assistance Group for Abused Women and Children) at the Policlinico-John XXIII Hospital-University of Bari. He directs the Bari School of Specialization in Cognitive Psychotherapy and is a member of the Board of Directors of CISMAI (Italian Coordination of Services against Child Maltreatment and Abuse). An expert in clinical applications of attachment theory, she is the author of numerous publications on childhood trauma, developmental psychopathology, and parenting support interventions.
Isabella Berlingerio
Psychologist, systemic, relational and family psychotherapist, family and criminal mediator. GIADA (Interdisciplinary Assistance Group for Abused Women and Children) contract psychologist works at the Departmental Simple Operational Unit of PSYCHOLOGY and GIADA of the Policlinico-John XXIII Hospital-University of Bari. Focuses on developmental psychopathology, child trauma and legal psychology; expert in Lousanne Trilogue Clinical Play. Honorary judge at the Bari Surveillance Court.
Stefania Losi
Graduated in Medicine and specialized in Pediatrics from the University of Florence. Medical director of pediatrics at Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Meyer. Training and experience in Pediatric Gynecology. He has been working on Child Abuse since 2002. Responsible for the GAIA Service (Child Adolescent Abuse Group) and the GAIA Help Desk. Since 2017, A.O.U. Meyer manager for the Code Pink corporate network. Lecturer of numerous courses on the subject at regional and national levels.
Cristina Cattaneo
Full Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University of Milan and directs the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology and Odontology (Labanof). Since 1997, he has been part of the Sexual and Domestic Violence Relief (SVSeD) of the Mangiagalli Clinic in Milan. Handles the medical-legal activities on victims of abuse, torture, and unaccompanied alien minors. Since 2007, he has been working with the Office of the Special Government Commissioner for Missing Persons. He is an expert and technical advisor in the field for Courts and Prosecutors’ Offices including foreign ones, is Co Editor in Chief of the journal Forensic Science International and a member of the Forensic Advisory Board of ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross).
Melissa Rosa Rizzotto
Medical Surgeon, specialist in Community Medicine (with thesis on SBS incidence estimates using Hospital Discharge Cards), PhD. Medical director at the Regional Center for the Diagnosis of the Abused Child of Az.Padua Hospital. Since 2004, Tutor to curricular courses at the CdL Medicine and Surgery of the University of Padua on Maltreatment Diagnosis. He works at the Center’s specialist department, where he performs diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of cases with suspected maltreatment and abuse (inpatient/outpatient/remote consultation for other regional and extra-regional hospitals).
Martina Bua
Psychologist, Developmental Psychotherapist and Child Psychoanalyst. Specialist in Neuropsychology of Learning Disorders (with thesis on Neuropsychological Outcomes of SBS) and in Infant Observation (Tavistock Model). Specialist in the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization) method. Skilled in forensic protected child listening. Director of psychology at Az. Hospital of Padua, works at the Center for the Diagnosis of the Abused Child. She has worked at NPI Services, Foster Care Centers, Guardianship Centers and as a CTU in the Courts. Psychologist for Emergency intervened during the post-earthquake phase in Emilia-Romagna, Abruzzo and Lazio.